Introducing Baff Organics Farm & Agrotech project 

Baff Organics Farm & Agrotech is a business that started in 2016 out of passion, curiosity and concern of food security in Ghana by owner & CEO Baffour Kyei Frimpong.

The bad use of black soil as compost in his country is what made him investigate further, not only for his own personal life, but for Africa as a whole. He felt there was a necessity to come up with a proper medium for growth in order to be able to guarantee the food security. This turned from a hobby into a whole business idea.

Currently the project is still under development with the idea of investigating what can be grown in Ghana looking at the nutrients value to support people’s predominant carbohydrate based diets.

There is that notion that many people just eat what they know to simply fill up their stomach. Through this project, Baffour wants people to make food their medicine and think about the importance of changing their food from chemical based to organic based.

We should make food our medicine instead of seeing food as food

An alternative way to planting

Baff Organics farm offers all sorts of 100% organic vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, using an alternative medium of planting which is with pots. Instead of planting directly into the soil, Baffour plants everything into individual pots, with the idea of showing people that even if you believe you do not have the right space to plant, you can still make it work.

Through this alternative method of growing, he also uses the opportunity to teach people on how to create their own urban gardens and introduce them into their lifestyles. Integrating nature into an urban lifestyle is healthy and family oriented. This idea helped Baffour change from being a paper chaser into being less stressed and more humble. His farm is like a gateway from the outside world that connects him to nature and a healthier way of life.

When I come here I don’t think about the outside world

Biophilic: adding agriculture to urban livelihoods

Africa experiences poor land management in the inner cities. This is one of the reasons of the importance of teaching people how to integrate agriculture into urban livelihoods, a concept that goes by the name of biophilic.

Biophilic comes from the word biophilia which according to a theory of the biologist E. O. Wilson, is “an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world”.

The biophylia hypothesis supports the idea that humans have an innate attraction and connection towards nature which is in turn beneficial to our lives. This hypothesis has also developed into what is called the biophilic design – improving our connection with nature by introducing certain materials, textures, colours, etc into our home, that evoke a sensation of being in nature as a way to reduce stress and improve mental well being.

Baffour is a strong believer of this idea and is integrating it into the house he is currently building for himself on the farm. He wants to go further by replicating this idea into different places and creating a home timeshare were people can revitalise themselves and learn bow to eat right by growing their own food and being aware of where it comes from.

This also cuts into the idea of creating an old peoples home to provide them with a better life at their old age.

Unusual plants you can find at Baff Organic Farm & Argotech

The angel plant, also called spirit plant: Plants you can talk to and they will bring you good luck. They are also used as spiritual cleansers, especially in the African continent. The local name is Tanmi Awu (Ashanti word) which literally means “my haters will die”.

Holy Basil: Is an antioxidant but also used for spiritual cleansing

Tiger berry & Cinnamon basil: Good for blood tonic

🌿🌿Quick recipes which are great as anti oxidants and for cleansing the body🌿🌿

🌿Fresh pineapple (or any fresh fruit you have at home) + cinnamon basil smoothie

🌿Fresh pineapple + mint smoothie

🌿Cinnamon Basil tea 

🌿Cucumber + spinach + ginger and/or turmeric smoothie


Go back to the roots

Whoever can invest into having a farm of their own or a small garden, should do it because it will change your life on many levels. It will help you understand what you nourish your body with which is one of the key factors into leading a better, healthier and happier life.